Start Early: 14 Amazing Holiday Party Planning Ideas in 2022

by | Sep 29, 2022 | Holiday | 0 comments

It takes an average of 10 hours to plan a party, which doesn’t seem like much. However, in the middle of the holidays finding a few hours to spare for party prep is harder than you think.

That is why if you want to have successful family celebrations then holiday party planning should start well before you get out the decorations.

Begin your party planning by reading these essential and creative tips here.

1. Choose Your Theme

The first task on your party planning checklist is to think of a theme. Choosing a motif will help you make other major decisions easier.

Your theme determines your color scheme, party attire, music selection, and menu items, so always have it in the back of your mind.

Some popular winter theme ideas include:

  • Holiday Luau
  • Pajama Party
  • Disco Night
  • Roaring 20’s
  • Vegas Holiday
  • Dress up Like Your Hero
  • BBQ Bash

Just about any theme could be transformed into a festive event, so keep an open mind. However, also consider if your guests will approve.

2. Create Holiday-Themed Games

One of the best ways to keep up with your theme is to involve games. These party planning ideas keep your guests engaged while directly interacting with the theme of your party.

Games are also a great way for family members and friends to get to know each other better. Some general game ideas are trivia, Pictionary, contests like an ugly sweater or gift wrapping challenges, or a board game marathon.

3. Book a Caterer

If you don’t want to stress over cooking your food then one of the smartest party planning hacks is to book a caterer to do it for you.

The good news is that you have full control of your menu. And, you don’t have to worry about a messing cleanup of casserole dishes and dinnerware. Your meal can be delivered to you or picked up without any of the fuss.

4. Consider Booking a Hall/Venue

Take your catering needs to the next level by hosting your party at a hall or venue. You can still bring the decorations and the fun without your loved ones spilling wine on your couch.

Another great thing about booking a venue is that your caterer is there when you need extra appetizers or if you run out of eggnog. You also have servers to make your event even more elegant.

5. Rent an Airbnb

Some people prefer their family celebrations to be at home, but it doesn’t;t have to be your home. Consider renting a luxurious Airbnb to make your part intimate and unique.

Choose a house unlike your own that includes amenities like a hot tub or indoor pool as well as a stunning view of the winter landscape near you.

6. Discuss Potluck Menus with Family

You may want to gather a party planning committee if you have a hard-to-please family. And in this case, having a potluck may satisfy everyone’s desires.

Family and friends can bring their favorite dish to contribute to the meal. Just be sure there aren’t multiple items by creating a sign-up sheet to pass around.

7. Use Unique Gift Exchange Technics

When planning a party for the holidays you can’t forget about the gift. However, traditional gift exchanges can be monotonous. Mix up your gift-giving with some fun secret Santa technics.

Or play hide and seek with the gifts, have a gift-giving tree where you pick names of relatives or swap gifts in the white elephant game.

8. Take the Party to the Movies

Have you ever noticed that big blockbusters premiere on Christmas Day? Why not embrace the chance to be the first to see the latest flick by taking your party to the movies?

You can rent out the whole theatre to make your party exclusive and add special food items while you and your family watch the film.

9. Include Virtual Guests

You may have guests that can’t make it to your party in person. Luckily, virtual attendance is more common than ever.

Have these attendees enjoy the party from afar with a virtual party option. You can still deliver their meals and party favors so they don’t miss out on any of the festivities.

10. Make Your Invitation Memorable

Holiday parties are plentiful as they all happen around the same time. Therefore, you need to make your invitation enticing to get the most RSVPs. This is especially relevant since 43% of people decide not to go to any holiday party.

Be sure to include details like the food, theme, and possible party activities that will have everyone excited about attending.

Send these invitations out early to ensure guests save the date.

11. Include a Wine Tasting

In addition to your food catering, think about adding wine to your menu. Your local vineyard may be able to sell you in-season bottles for your guests to taste or enjoy with their cuisine.

Take the extra step by hiring a wine connoisseur to explain the essence of each wine selection.

12. Have a Holiday Show-and-Tell

What better way to get to know your loved ones even more than to hear them speak about what is special to them? Use a holiday show-and-tell to make your guests feel welcomed and admired during the holidays.

Items could be anything or even a story that a relative wants to share with the whole family.

13. Mock an Awards Ceremony

Another fun way to make your holiday party personal is by making it an awards ceremony. Highlight the best and funniest qualities of your family members by making your own award categories.

14. Get Crafty

Have your party well in advance to make it a decoration-making party.

Handcrafted wreaths, Christmas tree ornaments, and winter sweaters can all be made by hand. These special crafts will serve as a DIY gift that everyone can enjoy for years to come.

Get Started with Your Party Planning

It is never too early to get your party planning started. The most important aspect of your party is to confirm your food source. Therefore, be sure to book a caterer well in advance.

Contact us today to discuss your menu and decide on your catering needs.